During the audio launch event of ‘Jailer,’ Superstar Rajinikanth shared a story about a crow and an eagle. It blew out of proportion and triggered fan wars between Rajini’s and Vijay’s fans. Now, Rajinikanth clarified that the story was not directed at Thalapathy Vijay. “He is not my competitor but a well-wisher,” said Rajinikanth.
At the ‘Jailer’ audio launch, Rajinikanth’s anecdote led to a social media frenzy, with fans speculating that it was aimed at Vijay. Despite disappointment over his speech’s misinterpretation, Rajinikanth stated, “Vijay grew up in front of my eyes. During the shooting of ‘Dharmathin Thalaivan,’ he was just 13 years old. After the shooting, SA Chandrasekar introduced Vijay to me, and he expressed his interest in acting. I advised him to concentrate on his studies first.”
Rajinikanth commended Vijay’s discipline, hard work, and talent that led him to the top of the film industry. He mentioned Vijay’s upcoming political entry, stating that hearing about their perceived competition is disheartening. Rajinikanth requested the fans not to compare and emphasized that he have huge respect on Vijay.
On the work front, apart from ‘Lal Salam,’ Rajinikanth is also working on ‘Vettaiyan’ and ‘Thalaivar 171’ with Lokesh Kanagaraj.