One of the most valuable runes that any class can obtain during WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery is the Rune of Divine Storm, which gives Paladins a remarkably strong DPS spell.
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This chain sends Paladin players on a journey across Azeroth, with stops in Darkshore, Stormwind, and the highly-contested forests of Ashenvale. The final part of the chain of quests that reward you with the Divine Storm rune requires you to head to Ashenvale and battle back a horde of demons loyal to the pit lord Mannoroth. Its epic conclusion quest—It Must Be Destroyed—tasks you with destroying a powerful item known as the Althalaxx Orb. This quest is one of the hardest quests available for players during WoW SoD, but its reward, the Rune of Divine Storm, is well worth the effort.
Here’s how to complete It Must Be Destroyed and earn one of the best Paladin runes—Divine Storm—in phase one of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery.
To complete It Must Be Destroyed, you’ll need to heed to the southeastern corner of Ashenvale. There, you’ll find an area called Felfire Hill. This region is absolutely swarming with demons that you’ll have to battle to collect your 12 Motes of Mannoroth.
The Felguards, Legion Hounds, Succubi, and Infernals in this area are all relatively overleveled in comparison to where you’ll be during phase one of SoD. With these mobs being level 29 to 30 and the phase one level cap sitting only at 25, you’re going to have your work cut out for you when trying to complete this quest. Although Paladins are solidly strong when it comes to completing solo content, we recommend bringing a friend or two along for some assistance.
The demonic enemies at Felfire Hill each drop Motes of Mannoroth, and you’ll need 12 of them to progress It Must Be Destroyed. Once you kill enough demons to get 12 Motes of Mannoroth, head to the back of Demon Fall Canyon, where Mannoroth’s spear, which is roughly located at coordinates [89, 77], can be used to destroy the Althalaxx Orb you obtained earlier in the quest line. After completing this step, you’ll have access to the Rune of Divine Storm, which will be given to you by Delgren the Purifier at Maestra’s Post.